SECCLO Community

🧩 Karrot plugins are nearly possible... 🥳

This will mean it's possible to write plugins to add your own functionality within Karrot, and be able to make use of all the core Karrot community organising features.

I'm quite excited at the potential.

🚧 Very work-in-progress docs over at <-- link fixed!

This is part of our current @NGIZero funded work ♥️

Each plugin will be able to be a frontend plugin, backend plugin, or both.

Frontend plugins will have access to Vue.js and Quasar (UI lib), and various hooks and slots around the site. You'll also be able to use any additional dependencies you might want.

Backend plugins will be proper apps, so you'll be able to use all the nice stuff that provides. Initially I'm not supporting extra dependencies for backend, as it's a bit more involved, but I've sketched out a plan for that.

@karrot @NGIZero FYI: that link returns 403 Forbidden

@jack doh! Indeed, something funny up there.. need to eat dinner though first 🍽️, it can wait.

@jack could not wait till after eating to fix it... was gnawing at me:

😥 try_files $uri $uri/ $uri.html =404
🤗 try_files $uri $uri.html $uri/ =404