SECCLO Community

Jack Henschel |

Hi, I'm Jack!
Cycling and cloud computing enthusiast currently located in Geneva, Switzerland.
Working as an OpenShift administrator at CERN.

🚀 New Jellyfin Server/Web release: 10.9.0 🚀
As always, please ensure you stop your Jellyfin server and take a full backup before upgrading!
See the release post on our forums for more details:

@nnungest @bcantrill Agree 100%!

Yes I re-watch @bcantrill talks like re-runs of The Office. It may be shocking to him but Bryan is the virtual representation of the software engineering mentor I never had. I just listened to the talk he gave on oral traditions in software twice in 24hours. It is an absolute gem like all his talks. So thankful for his talks.

Event-driven architecture

I was looking for some reading material about "event-driven architectures". Most of the stuff you find online when looking for those keywords is pretty superficial garbage, but this article is quite nice:

#eventing #eda #softwareengineering

Well Traefik just upgraded to v3 and broke all existing legacy syntax with v2.
I'm sure there's some good technical reasoning behind such a move but as a user this is absolutely a horrible experience. There's a flag to enable v2 syntax mode, but you know what there isn’t? A single one pager saying if you have X in v2, you need Y in v3.
I don't want to have to go spelunking for hours figuring out your new way of doing things just to get back to where I was yesterday.

I have over 20 instances of traefik deployed all over the place and this is going to be a big time sink. So, thanks? I guess?

I'm just trying to imagine a world where nginx or haproxy deliberately break ALL existing deployments. Total madness.

@ironicbadger Hey, this is a common theme with Traefik! They did the same from v1 to v2.
I still love the project, but this boggles my mind.

Happy Bookmarking (Be careful: This is a .0 release ;) )

Did you know that has a built-in QR and barcode generator? Now you do 😉

Screenshot of QR code inserted into a document

Fig 1

Fig 2

I totally missed this development, but systemd allows you to set environment variables across the whole system in: ~/.config/environment.d/*.conf

This makes it easy to apply environment variables in wayland/sway.

@elmiko Sounds great! Is Karpenter still AWS only?

@whalecoiner #metube is indeed awesome! A couple of environment variables and it downloads videos directly into my Jellyfin media collection. I combined it with the #jellyfin youtube metadata plugin:

@crmsnbleyd Woah, thanks for the hint: I was exactly looking for something that I can integrate with Jellyfin! Unfortunately it seems that the plugin is a bit unmaintained and could use some love...

I was about to set up #TubeArchivist in my #homelab , but then I found out that it requires Redis + ElasticSearch (+ the application itself). Do people know of any lightweight alternatives for downloading some videos from the web?

@vadim sounds awesome, thanks :D

@vadim What's the advantage compared to TreeStyleTabs?

Video 3/3 (I feel this one •deeply•, to the bone):

“Developer watching QA test the product”

Video 2/3: “2 unit tests, 0 integration tests”

Because they bring me such joy, I will share with you all the software testing videos I share with my Software Design and Development students.

Video 1/3: “We don’t need user testing! We already know our users”

`telnet` is the coolest thing you'll see all day, maybe all week.
